
Biomark Med. 2017 Jun 29. doi: 10.2217/bmm-2017-0150. [Epub ahead of print]

Actinin-4 protein overexpression as a predictive biomarker in adjuvant chemotherapy for resected lung adenocarcinoma.


AIM: Although several clinical trials demonstrated the benefits of platinum-combination adjuvant chemotherapy for stage II-IIIA lung adenocarcinoma, predictive biomarkers for the efficacy of such therapy have not yet been identified. We evaluated protein overexpression of actinin-4 as a predictive biomarker of the efficacy of adjuvant chemotherapy in resected lung adenocarcinoma.
MATERIALS & METHODS: We measured actinin-4 protein levels in patients with completely resected stage II-IIIA lung adenocarcinoma using immunohistochemistry and then retrospectively compared survival between adjuvant chemotherapy and observation groups.
RESULTS: A total of 148 eligible patients were classified into actinin-4 positive or negative cases by immunohistochemistry. In the former, patients with adjuvant chemotherapy survived significantly longer than those with observation (hazard ratio [HR]: 0.307; p = 0.028). But, no significant survival benefit was noted with adjuvant chemotherapy (HR: 0.926; p = 0.876) in the latter.
CONCLUSION: This marker could predict the efficacy of adjuvant chemotherapy for resected lung adenocarcinoma patients.


PMID:  28658966
