Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2015 Jun;15(6):700-6. doi: 10.1111/ggi.12338. Epub 2014 Sep 20.
Sex- and age-related differences in mid-thigh composition and muscle quality determined by computed tomography in middle-aged and elderly Japanese.
AIM: Sex- and age-related differences in mid-thigh composition and muscle quality remain unclear. The present study aimed to clarify these differences using computed tomography in middle-aged and elderly Japanese.
METHODS: A total of 2310 participants (age 40-89 years), who were randomly selected from the local residents, underwent computed tomography examination of the right mid-thigh. Thigh circumference and cross-sectional areas of the thigh, muscle, quadriceps, non-quadriceps, fat, and bone were measured. Knee extension strength and muscle quality index (knee extension strength/quadriceps cross-sectional area) were also assessed. Sex- and age-related differences in these indices were analyzed.
RESULTS: The thigh cross-sectional area in men and women decreased by 0.6% and 0.5%/year, respectively, because of a decrease in muscle cross-sectional area (men 75.2%, women 40.6%), fat cross-sectional area (men 24.4%, women 59.6%) and bone cross-sectional area (men 0.5%, women -0.2%). Muscle cross-sectional area in men and women decreased by 0.6% and 0.4%/year, respectively, because of a decrease in quadriceps cross-sectional area (men 65.6%, women 81.6%) and non-quadriceps cross-sectional area (men 34.4%, women 18.4%). Muscle quality in men and women decreased by 0.4% and 0.3%/year, respectively.
CONCLUSION: Thigh cross-sectional area decreased with age mainly because of a decrease in muscle cross-sectional area in men and fat cross-sectional area in women. The rate of decrease in muscle cross-sectional area was 1.5-fold higher in men than in women. Muscle cross-sectional area decreased with age mainly because of a decrease in quadriceps cross-sectional area, especially in women. Decrease in muscle quality with age was similar in both sexes.
横断的検討で、大腿中央断面CT での大腿筋肉面積は男女ともに年代が高いほど低値を示したが、女性では特に加齢による低下速度が男性の1.5 倍であった。膝伸展筋力や下肢伸展パワーと大腿筋肉面積の比を筋肉の質とした場合、男性の方が筋肉の質は良く、また女性の方が高年齢群での筋肉の質低下が著しかった。
PMID:  25244543