
NCBN Overview

This project is operated in a networked and federal organizational form. In order to conduct truly effective and sustainable research support activities, taking into consideration the independence of the 6NCs, a central biobank and secretariat, including a central database management and other expert organizations, have been established, and a biobank management council has been established to promote collection and utilization of bioresources in a multi-center cooperative system. The Biobank Management Council has been established to promote the collection and utilization of bioresources in a multi-center cooperative framework.In addition to further expanding and enhancing the bioresource development that each NC is independently promoting, a common platform for the collection of bioresources shared by the 6 NCs has been established, and a mechanism has been created to support the promotion of a wide range of research together with collaborating medical institutions and other organizations. The 6NCs are also working together with collaborating medical institutions to establish a system to support the promotion of research.

organizational structure

Operational details table

Conferences Business (including those to be scheduled)
NC Biobank Director's Meeting
  • Matters related to the development of a common platform and the establishment of necessary WGs.
  • Matters related to the direction and future vision of NCBN.
Working Groups (WG) Issues for Consideration
Public Relations WG
  • Consideration of publicity regarding the 6NC biobank.
  • Consideration of publicity regarding utilization of samples, etc.
Research Utilization WG
  • Study on the procedures and commonization of research utilization in the 6NCs.
  • Study on the framework for the use of bioresources for research utilization.
Quality Control WG
  • Examination of quality control in NCBN in response to international standardization such as ISO.
  • Study of SOPs for each NC and their standardization in the 6 NCs.
Organization for Practical Application Operations (including those planned for the future)
Secretariat of the Central Biobank
  • Administrative work as the central biobank and process management of the 6NC biobank project.
  • Provide services as a one-stop site for those who wish to utilize the samples.
Central Database and Public Relations Division
  • Construction, management, and operation of the catalog database and promotion of sample utilization using the database.
  • Matters related to the construction of a common platform for specimens and medical information among the 6NCs.
  • Matters related to publicity to industry, government, and academia, and to building collaboration with other biobank projects.